Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Circle of Faith

I've been working on a post for about two months and I'm still not done! I was looking through some of my old mission notes and came across what I called The Circle of Faith. I wrote it in hopes to find a better way to motivate missionaries to be more dedicated. I was 20 at the time and it shows. I thought it would be a filler post nonetheless. Feel free to break it down and tear it up!



From the beginning we have been taught that faith is the first principle that we must attain to progress the Lord’s work the way he wants us to do it. Faith is so important that without it all things that require any kind of action to be accomplished cannot be done. Being that everything that exists is created by the spirit of the Lord both spiritual and temporal, there are laws that must be satisfied or obeyed so that we can obtain what we act upon or work for. The Lord has given us these laws or commandments so that we may receive more truth and light to become as Him. Therefore first we must have confidence in the laws or a commandment the Lord has given us which is faith.


Secondly, to obtain what we desire we must be obedient to the law upon which what we desire is predicated or simply said, do what the Lord has told us to do to get what we want.


Third we must work or do something to obtain our desired objective because as we have been taught “faith if it hath not works, is dead.”

Correct Decisions

So as we apply our faith while being obedient to the laws which have been given and at the same time working within these laws to obtain what we desire, we will come across decisions that we have to make so we can have success in what we are working for. In Joshua 1:8 we learn that to make good decisions we must meditate or think deeply in the work that we are doing and then observe or study what has been taught to us. By doing this we prepare ourselves to make the correct decisions needed to have success in the Lord’s work.

Success is a result of applying faith, being obedient, working hard, and making the correct decisions.

Self Confidence

When we have success in the Lord’s work, we truly have a great joy, a joy that replaces all doubt and fear into pure faith and confidence in the Lord.

This self confidence attained by having success in the Lord’s work is a great moment for a missionary because the “drive” to progress the work is increased. That is the step required to reach a higher level in relation to becoming a better instrument in the Lord’s hand. When a missionary can look back upon the success he has already had his attitude is changed when faced with a new challenge, it becomes “why not” instead of “I hope so.” That is why it is so important to report the success of a missionary so that he feels that he isn’t the only one that realizes that he is getting better. However with success there must be follow-up so that the missionary knows in what to improve. Without follow-up, success becomes the number on the sheet of paper instead of what the numbers represent. This is a key procedure in maintaining the circle to grow properly. As we can see success takes away doubt which increases the drive to reach a higher level of intensity to progress the work.


The last step is the keystone that keeps the circle of faith spinning. When the drive of a missionary has increased there is a natural reaction. With the increase of drive there is also a great increase in desire. Drive is the spontaneous spark that allows one to maintain a higher level of desire. Desire is so important that at every completion of the circle, if there is not an increase in desire the circle cannot grow. Desire is the only reason that causes one to get up everyday and do more and more to save souls. If the desire of a missionary is not increased he will become bored at what he is doing and the circle will collapse. Desire is something that cannot be given but only motivated. It must come from within. Desires are easy to point out because that are what cause a person to act, and by way of your acts your desires are shown. As we learn in Alma 32:27, what we first must have isn’t faith, but rather a “desire to believe.” Therefore brethren and sisters, let us have a desire to become better and from there we can start. Nurture your desire as if it was a seed so that as a seed it may grow in your hearts and give place for the words of God.


Circle of Faith

Faith – 1Nephi 7:12 with faith all things of God can be done; Alma 32:21; Alma 19:23 by our faith others can be saved; 3Nephi 5:1-2 previous blessings strengthen our faith; Ether 12:12-16 All is done through faith; Jacob 4:6 Hebrews 10:38; Helaman 10:4-7 Lord will work through you if you do your part; Moroni 10:7; Hebrews 11

Obedience – D+C 130:20-21 every blessing from God is because of obedience; 1Nephi 2:20 obedience brings success; 1Nephi 17:3 we are given all that is needed to accomplish the Lord’s work when we are obedient; D+C 14:7; D+C 132:5

Work – James 2:17; D+C 123:13 work to bring all unto the light; Alma 36: 24-26 work to convert; Alma 26:3-5

Correct Decisions – 1Nephi 4:6 decisions must be made with the Spirit; Joshua 1:8 thinking it out by observing the situation brings success; D+C 58:26-29 must take your own initiative; Alma 43:30

Success – Alma 26:31 we must think back on the success the Lord has given us; Alma 26:27 don’t give up and success will come; D+C 103: 36; Alma 60:36; Alma 29:9; Moroni 10:22; success is not an option

No Doubt (self confidence) – Mormon 9:27 don’t doubt and use the faith of old or in other words let the success you’ve had motivate you; Alma 26:27,31; D+C 67:1-3

Drive – Alma 26:22 recipe for success; D+C 18:15-16 desire many to be with God

Desire – D+C 137:9 by way of your acts you desires are shown; Alma 29:9; Mosiah 28:3 desire that all be saved; D+C 88:32-33 you receive what you truly desire; Alma 29:14; Alma 32:27-28 desire is the key to all progression

The circle of faith is like a helix – D+C 50:24


Chanda said...

Sounds good to me.

Nichols Family said...

You are like Moses Ruggles.